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  • Niveau d'étude

    Master 1

  • ECTS

    3 crédits

  • Composante

    UFR Géographie, Histoire, Économie et Société


Short Description

English seminar about the internal Threats of Modern societies

Long description

This seminar offers to explore the comparative and transnational history of domestic threats in modern societies. At the crossroads of political, social, and cultural history, we wish to distance ourselves from the dominant ‘pathological’ understanding and take these anxieties seriously in a sociological perspective. We will wonder how the successive figures of internal enemies took roots, socially and politically, how they came in conflict with some of the referent distinctions of modern societies (between peace and war, domestic and foreign, politics and violence, citizens and adversaries, etc.), and what kind of transformations they engendered in terms of institutions, laws, practices, and conducts.

  • Duration (weeks) : 12
  • Number of hours per week : 2h
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Pré-requis nécessaires

Prerequisites (language, special knowledge, other courses, BA MA) :

Bachelor degree and 1st year of Master

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Contrôle des connaissances

Assessment methods (exams), prerequisites for exams

Students will 1) present an analytical presentation of one of an academic article and/or chapter; and 2) write a research paper.

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Informations complémentaires

Admissions to Université de Paris :  https://u-paris.fr/en/welcoming-international-students/  

International Mobility Office for the History Department

François Otchakovsky-Laurens, francois.otchakovsky-laurens@univ-paris-diderot.fr

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