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Rethinking the economy after the coronavirus

  • Niveau d'étude

    All levels

  • ECTS

    0 crédits


Short Description :

The objective is to understand the (endogenous) origins of the COVID, its socio-economic consequences and the perspectives for policy makers to reorientate our development model.

Long description :

This MOOC has been initiated by the EPOG+ Master programme during the first lockdown period, with the objective of understanding the socio-economic consequences of the COVID and the perspectives for policy makers to reorientate our development model. Taking benefit of a very qualified network of scholars, this MOOC series contains several lectures, with very diversified but totally complementary contents, coping with some of the aspects we collectively understood as vital aspects for the understanding of the current crisis, not only in its surface, but in its structural dimension. First of all, it is crucial to discuss the ecological roots of Coronocrisis. Connected to that, we have lectures highlighting that Coronacrisis is a multidimensional crisis, having deep impacts on the world economy and society, and allowing some scholars to claim that it will possibly provoke structural changes. Finally, it is essential to discuss the economic policies that are being implemented worldwide to face the Coronocrisis.

  • Duration (weeks): The student can do the Mooc at its own pace
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Pré-requis nécessaires

Prerequisites (language, special knowledge, other courses, BA MA) :

General Knowledge


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Contrôle des connaissances

Assessment methods (exams), prerequisites for exams :

No exam

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