82 heures / 82 hours
Faculté de Santé
Langue des enseignements
Program reference: DUM591
Academic Director: Pr Grégory Katz
Form of education: Hybrid teaching, 3 face-to-face sessions and 3 virtual sessions
Location: Necker campus in Paris + 1 immersion visit to Rotterdam and Utrecht + online classes + ICHOM Conference
To register, submit your application via C@nditOnLine (French web site)
Pour vous inscrire, déposez votre candidature sur C@nditOnLine
Pedagogical contents :
The graduate program in VBHC is based on a learn by doing pedagogical approach. It does not only aim to make people understand VBHC, or justify why they are interested in it, but rather how to implement it.
This pedagogical ambition implies a specific architecture for VBHC integrating :
- The acquisition of VBHC concepts and models
- The analysis of VBHC case studies in various contexts
- The transmission of a toolbox (PROM instruments, scorecards, statistical methods, digital tools, etc.)
- Immersion visits to interact on site with pioneering VBHC teams
- Team coordination by VBHC mentors
Teaching objectives
- Understanding the founding principles of Value-Based Health Care
- Learning from a variety of VBHC ecosystems through immersion visits
- Using tools & methods to drive change within healthcare organizations
- Navigating the nine steps to implement a VBHC registry in real life
- Co-working within a team of multiple stakeholders in tandem with mentors
- Designing an action plan to implement a registry on a given pathology
Compétences visées
Learning targets
By the end of the training, participants will be capable of:
- Defining the different approaches to evaluate health system quality indicators
- Using tools and VBHC techniques to build an outcome-based registry with real-life data
- Structuring an action plan to accelerate the emergence of a VBHC ecosystem
- Optimizing operational efficiency within a multidisciplinary team
- Presenting a VBHC project before a jury
Key learnings
- Capturing the founding principles of Value-Based Health Care
- Learning from a variety of VBHC ecosystems through immersion visits
- Using tools & methods to drive changes within healthcare organizations
- Navigating the nine steps framework to implement a VBHC registry in real life
- Co-creating with a team an action plan to implement an outcome-based ecosystem
Program reference : DUM591
Hourly volume : 82 eaching hours (60 hours of lectures & case analysis, 22 hours of mentoring & evaluations)
Calendar : Six teaching modules from July to December
Rythm : Two teaching days each month on Friday & Saturday from 9.30 to 18.00
Place: Half of the sessions are held in-person or remotely
Location: Necker campus + 1 immersion visit to the Netherlands + online course + ICHOM conference
Language of instruction: English
- In-person sessions in Paris
- In-person sessions in Rotterdam & Utrecht
- Virtual sessions
Module 1 - Measuring Value
Organization: in-person sessions in Paris
- Introduction to Value-Based Health Care (Prostate cancer), Prof. Gregory Katz
- The VBHC Implementation Matrix (Cataracts), Prof. Gregory Katz
- Team workshop with mentors
- Measuring Costs: Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (Osteo-arthritis), Dr. Jens Deerberg (RoMed Hospitals)
- Standardizing outcome measurement (Oncology), Chris Gibbons (University of Texas, MD Anderson)
Module 2 – Benchmarking Patient Health Gains
Organization: in-person sessions in Rotterdam & Utrecht
- Benchmarking medical teams: internal & external comparisons (Breast cancer), Pieter de Bey, Paul van der Nat (Santeon)
- Outcome-based contracting with health insurers (Rhumatoïd Arthritis), Dr. Arthur Hayen (Menzis)
- Team workshop with mentors
- Auditing outcome benchmarks (Cardiology), Dr. Dennis van Veghel (Netherlands Heart Registry)
- Outpatient chronic care clinic (Type-1 diabetes), Maarten Akkerman (Diabeter)
Module 3 – Improving Healthcare
Organization: virtual sessions
- Interoperability, data capture & shared learning, Prof. Martin Ingvar (Karolinska Institute)
- Transforming care pathways, Prof. Ewa Roos (University of Southern Denmark)
- Team workshop with mentors, Mentors
- Patients’ perspective and involvement in shared decision-making, Prof. Morten Kildal (Uppsala Academic Hospital)
- Registry randomized clinical trials (Heart failure), Prof. Stefan James (Uppsala Academic Hospital)
Module 4 – Rewarding High-Value Care
Organization: virtual sessions
- Medicare for all & value-based incentives, Prof. Zirui Song (Harvard Medical School)
- NHS Wales’ value agenda, Dr. Sally Lewis (NHS Wales)
- Regulators’ perspectives on PRO data, Peter Pitts (CMPI, former FDA Commissioner
- How hospital procurement unlocks value-based health care, Jennifer Clawson (BCG), Matt Hickey (AXA Health UK, Health Value Alliance)
- Stefan Larson (Founder of ICHOM): Artificial Intelligence applied to Value-Based Health Care
- Workshop with mentors
Module 5: ICHOM conference
Organization: virtual sessions
- Building a VBHC culture and organizational structure enabling change, ICHOM expert panels
- ICHOM benchmarking platform and machine-readable standards, ICHOM expert panels
- Value-based contracting and payment models, ICHOM expert panels
- Team workshop with mentors
Module 6: Poster presentations
Organization: In-person session in Paris
- Poster presentations with experts and mentors
- Capstone session
- Dinner
Educational team
Academic Director: Prof. Gregory Katz, Chair of Innovation & Value in Health, University of Paris
Program coordinator: Dr. Raquel Correia, Program Coordinator, VBHC Graduate Program.
Members of the academic program:
- Prof. Xavier Jeunemaitre, Dean of the Faculty of Health, University of Paris.
- Prof. Philippe Ruszniewski, Dean of the School of Medicine, University of Paris.
- Prof. Gérard Friedlander, General Delegate, University of Paris Foundation.
- Dr. Juan-Fernando Ramirez, Air Liquide Healthcare.
- Dr. Severine Coquerelle, AstraZeneca
- Peter Pitts, Center for Medicine in the Public Interest, Visiting Professor, University of Paris
Members of the academic program:
Dr Rosalind Bell-Aldeghi / Dr Raquel Correia / Pr Chris Gibbons / Benjamin Gibrat / Pr Martin Ingvar / Pr Stefan James / Pr Grégory Katz / Dr Morten Kildal / Dr Sally Lewis / Peter Pitts / Paul van der Nat / Pr Ewa Roos / Pr Zirui Song / Dr Wilja Strating / Dr Henk Veeze / Dr Dennis van Veghel
Material resources: Each participant receives a course pack including a series of case studies, scientific articles, as well as international reports relating to VBHC.
In order to promote an interactive and collaborative approach, various IT tools will be offered to allow:
- exchange files, data
- to share resources, information
- to communicate simply outside the classroom and times dedicated to training.
During the training, the trainee signs an attendance sheet per half-day of face-to-face training and the Training Manager issues a certificate of attendance for distance training
At the end of the training, the trainee completes an online satisfaction questionnaire. This is analyzed and the results are reported to the educational council of the training.
Contrôle des connaissances
To graduate the program, participants must pass an evaluation based on the assignments presented below:
- 1 written case study report
- 1 executive report following the immersion visits;
- 1 written report on process mapping or cost analysis or a scorecard,
- 1 poster presentation
- Oral interactions during sessions
Graduation criteria
- Average assignement grade: 10/20
- Full attendance is required
- Class behaviour
*In case of travel restrictions, face-to-face sessions will be held remotely.
Aménagements particuliers
Public cible
Diversity of profiles
We welcome participants with various professional backgrounds ranging from:
- Healthcare professionals
- Managers from healthcare organizations
- Leaders from medtech & biopharma companies
- Representatives from patient associations
- Civil servants from health authorities
- Decision makers from public or private payer organizations
- Researchers, PhD candidates, residents
Conditions d'admission
Application documents include
Admission to the course requires an application via C@nditOnLine and a pedagogical approval:
- Upload your Curriculum Vitae
- A motivation letter
- For PhD candidates and residents: please share your status certificate
- Validate and send
Based on these documents, an interview with the jury will be scheduled.
Apart from the diplomas related to the titles that future registrants must hold (see persons authorized to register in the "Admission conditions" section), participants must provide proof of at least two years of professional experience in the health.
Les clefs de la réussite
Keys to success
Practical sheets are available on the page http://www.reussir-en-universite.fr/index.html.
Modalités de candidature
How to apply
Program reference : DUM591
1.Create and activate your user account on the platform C@nditOnLine (accessible through Chrome or Mozilla browsers)
2. Carefully complete your personal information and submit all supporting documents, only in PDF format, namely:
- Copy of both sides of your valid identity document (national identity card or passport)
- The State diploma justifying the level of access to the desired training
- For foreigners outside the European Union: add a copy of both sides of the residence permit or receipt or valid visa
3. Click on"Mes candidatures" then on "Nouvelle candidature"
4. Select the home domain (UFR/Composante), the type and title of the desired training. Specify the mode of financing.
5. Upload your CV and cover letter for each desired training
To be added in C@nditOnLine :
- if you are a student in LMD, intern, or acting as an intern registered in a university: your university education certificate justifying your registration for the current academic year for a National Diploma or a State Diploma (except DU-DIU)
- if you receive support: your support agreement
APPLY FOR TRAINING by logging into the platform C@nditOnLine (lien cliquable)
Droits de scolarité
TRAINING FEES* according to your profile
- For anyone with or without full or partial coverage: 8000 €
- For 4 employees of Astra Zeneca and Air Liquide (limited to 2 participants per partner) : 0 €
- For anyone financing their training alone and being PhD candidates & medical residents: 4000 € (upon certificate in your CanditOnLine file)
*These rates include the teaching material, lunches and coffee breaks. They exclude travel expenses (transportation, lodging, meals except for lunches).
APPLICATION FEES** : 300 € (note: if you are already enrolled in a National Diploma at the Université de Paris in the same academic year, you are exempt from application fees – school certificate to be submitted in CanditOnLine).
*The rates for training fees and application fees are subject to change by the University authorities
Financial support
Financial support can be allocated on a case by case basis. To learn more about your eligibility please contact the pedagogical coordinator, Dr. Raquel Correia, raquel.pereira-correia @ u-paris.fr
PS : On demand, payment can be fragmented into three installments.
Cliquez ici pour lire les Conditions Générales de vente / Outils de l’adulte en Formation Continue / Documents institutionnels / CGV hors VAE
Et après ?
Poursuites d'études
You can always complete or acquire new skills by enrolling in other university degrees, qualifying courses or seminars.
Débouchés professionnels
- Au sein de l’industriel : affaires médicales, affaires publiques, market access
- Au sein des établissements de santé : direction d’établissements, direction qualité, achats, R&D
- Au sein d’autorités de santé : direction médicales, études, qualité, appuis à la performance
- Au sein d’organismes payeurs publics : directions de la qualité, des études, de l’appui à la performance
- Au sein des assurances en santé : directions de l’innovation, études, qualité
- Au sein des associations d’usagers du système de santé : directions médicales, affaires publiques
- Au sein d’organismes scientifiques : directions de la recherche
Dernière mise à jour le 24 février 2025