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Master Analyse et Politique Économique - Parcours : Development and Sustainability : Policies, States and Corporations (M2 APE)

Domaine : Droit, Economie, Gestion
Analyse et politique économique
  • ECTS

    60 crédits

  • Niveau d'études visé

    BAC +5 (niveau 7)

  • Durée

    1 an

  • Faculté

    Faculté Sociétés et Humanités

  • Langue des enseignements



EPOG2.0 is the successor of the EPOG Erasmus Mundus Master’s programme, granted in 2012 by the European Commission. Since the selection of the first cohort in 2013, the objectives of the programme have remained the same: to give birth to a new generation of international experts for both the public and private sector, able to define and assess economic policies as those evolve within different political, social and regional contexts.

Nine cohorts have been trained within the EPOG programme between 2013 and 2023 and the graduated students obtained the expertise in a specific field of economic, but also a global perspective on interdependencies and interactions between economic policies, while integrating various institutional and socio-economic approaches to their understanding. In particular, our objective with EPOG 2.0 is to rethink targeted competencies in sustainable economic growth, corporate responsibility, innovation and macroeconomics, through the lens of the imperative ecological transition to a low-carbon economy.

The core design of the EPOG 2.0 Master relies on the development of an expertise in a specific field and a general understanding of interdependencies among economic policies with a precise, consistent and continuous course progression: semester 1 and 2 for the basics of the specialization, semester 3 for advanced courses and for providing a common culture to all the students, semester 4 for enhancing and applying learning outcomes in the context of a research lab or of a “professional environment” (internships). Note that a significant share of courses in M2 are shared with the EPOG2 Option I (International Macroeconomics, Financial Regulations and Sustainability) program at Université Sorbonne Paris 13, and with the EPOG+ Erasmus Mundus Master Program (https://www.epog.eu/) at Université Paris Cité / Sorbonne Université / Université Technologique de Compiègne.

The DS / EPOG2 program at Université Paris Cité comes in two different tracks:

  • Two-year program: students do their M1 at the University of Roma 3 (Italy), and then the M2 at UPC. At the end of M2, they obtain a double degree from U. Roma 3 / UPC. All the courses are given in English.
  • One-year program: students enter in M2 directly at UPC, and obtain a Master degree from UPC. All the courses are given in English.

After their Master's degree, students can join international organizations or large companies, or, for a certain number, do a PhD in economics (notably at the LADYSS research center: https://www.ladyss.com/).

This university program is associated with the Graduate School of Sustainability, Organizations, and Institutions, offering both master's and doctoral courses along with cutting-edge research labs. The goal is to train experts in process analysis, focusing on understanding and positively transforming challenges. Read more >

Students have the chance to join an internationally funded mobility program through the Graduate School or opt for a semester-long mobility initiative with Université Paris Cité's global partners.

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Contrôle des connaissances

Pour connaître le détail des modalités de contrôle des connaissances et compétences, nous vous invitons à prendre contact avec l’UFR (voir le lien en savoir+)

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Aménagements particuliers

Pour les étudiants en situation de handicap vous pouvez prendre contact avec le Pôle handicap étudiant - Plus d'informations ici

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Conditions d'admission

The DS / EPOG2 program at Université Paris Cité comes in two different tracks:

  • Two-year program: students do their M1 at the University of Roma 3 (Italy), and then the M2 at UPC. At the end of M2, they obtain a double degree from U. Roma 3 / UPC. All the courses are given in English.
  • One-year program: students enter in M2 directly at UPC, and obtain a Master degree from UPC. All the courses are given in English.
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Modalités de candidature

 Retrouvez toutes les informations relatives aux modalités de candidature ici.

Des modalités de candidatures spécifiques peuvent s’appliquer au public de formation professionnelle. Plus d’informations ici.

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Droits de scolarité

Les droits d'inscription nationaux sont annuels et fixés par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur de la Recherche. S’y ajoutent les contributions obligatoires et facultatives selon la situation individuelle de l’étudiant.

Des frais de formation supplémentaires peuvent s’appliquer au public de formation professionnelle. Plus d’informations ici.

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Et après ?

Débouchés professionnels

After their Master's degree, students can join international organizations or large companies, or, for a certain number, do a PhD in economics (notably at the LADYSS research center: https://www.ladyss.com/).

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Mobilité internationale

Two-year program: students do their M1 at the University of Roma 3 (Italy), and then the M2 at UPC. At the end of M2, they obtain a double degree from U. Roma 3 / UPC. All the courses are given in English.

Les étudiants ont la possibilité de réaliser une mobilité internationale courte financée par la Graduate School Sustainability, Organisations and Institutions ou une mobilité d'un semestre chez les partenaires internationaux d'Université Paris Cité.

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  • Petia Koleva

    Responsable de la mention
    • petia.koleva @ u-paris.fr
  • Antoine Rebérioux

    Responsable du parcours
    • antoine.reberioux @ u-paris.fr
  • Elisabeth Lafont

    Gestionnaire de Scolarité - Master 2
    • 01 57 27 71 76
    • elisabeth.lafont @ u-paris.fr

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