60 crédits
Niveau d'études visé
BAC +5 (niveau 7)
1 an
Faculté Sociétés et Humanités
Langue des enseignements
The programme is ideal for students seeking to become change-makers in the transition towards a more sustainable global economy, equipped with the analytical tools and policy knowledge to drive corporate and governmental progress. The objective of the programme is to give birth to a new generation of international experts for both the public and private sector, able to define and assess economic policies and strategies for a sustainable world, considering that these policies and strategies evolve within different political, social and regional contexts.
Ten cohorts have been trained within the previous track “Development and Sustainability” (between 2013 and 2024) that we decided to rename in order to underline our specific focus on firms (large-scale or small) and organizations. In doing so, we make possible for graduated students obtaining an expertise in a specific field of economics, but also a global perspective on interdependencies and interactions between economic policies, while integrating various institutional and socio-economic approaches to their understanding.
SCOPe is a specific track within APE Master, whose courses take place only in M2 (semester 3 and 4) all taught in English. Semester 3 is devoted to advanced courses (ie, ecological economics, firm responsibility, social economy and social innovation, firms and varieties of capitalism, strategies of global corporations, organisation and sustainability challenges in emerging countries) as well as advanced methodological courses (mixed methods, etc.). The fourth semester is dedicated to master thesis project and internship project. These courses and projects provide a common culture to all students. Note that some courses are shared with other master programmes within Université Paris Cité and the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. International mobility (for internships, field data collection, etc.) is encouraged and made possible thanks to the support of the Graduate School “Sustainability, Organisations and Institutions” of Université Paris Cité. Moreover, the best master theses can compete for the annual Graduate School Research Prize.
Detailed content (SCOPe track at UPC), 2025-2026
Semestre 3 :
UE 1 Sustanability: models and actors / 12 ECTS
- Ecological economics / 4 ECTS
- Firm responsibility: an economic perspective / 4 ECTS
- Social economy and social innovation / 4 ECTS
UE 2 Topics on firms and contemporary capitalism / 9 ECTS
- Firms and varieties of capitalism / 3 ECTS
- Strategies of global corporations / 2 ECTS
- Understanding the world: history in global perspective / 2 ECTS
- Organisation and sustainability challenges in emerging countries / 2 ECTS
UE 3 Research methodology / 6 ECTS
- Mixed methods research design and analysis / 3 ECTS
- Research or internship project / 3 ECTS
UE 4 Soft skills / 6 ECTS
- International conferences on sustainability / 3 ECTS
- UE libre (Circle U, summer schools, Graduate Schools' training etc.) / 3 ECTS
Total : 30 ECTS
Semestre 4
UE 5 Thesis or internship report / 27 ECTS
To be chosen
- Thesis / 27 ECTS
- Internship report / 27 ECTS
UE 6 Ph.D. or professionnal project / 3 ECTS
To be chosen
- D project / 3 ECTS
- Professionnal project / 3 ECTS
Total : 30 ECTS
Contrôle des connaissances
Pour connaître le détail des modalités de contrôle des connaissances et compétences, nous vous invitons à prendre contact avec l’UFR (voir le lien en savoir+)
Aménagements particuliers
Conditions d'admission
Applicants must have completed an M1, preferably in economics, but applications from other backgrounds will also be considered (management, social sciences, international relations, etc).
The recruitment procedure takes place in two steps:
- examination of the application, in particular the research project (min. 3 pages), which must include a context and a research problem linked to the Master's theme, a proposed method for dealing with the subject and bibliographical references
- an oral interview in English.
Modalités de candidature
Droits de scolarité
Les droits d'inscription nationaux sont annuels et fixés par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur de la Recherche. S’y ajoutent les contributions obligatoires et facultatives selon la situation individuelle de l’étudiant.
Des frais de formation supplémentaires peuvent s’appliquer au public de formation professionnelle. Plus d’informations ici.
Et après ?
Débouchés professionnels
Career Prospects:
Graduates of this track are well-positioned for careers in a variety of sectors, such as:
- corporate sustainability departments
- economic and environmental consulting firms, NGOs, or think tanks focused on sustainability
- government agencies involved in environmental policy-making and regulations
- international organisations working on global sustainability initiatives
- universities and other higher education stuctures (after a PhD in economics, notably at the LADYSS research center:
Référentiel RNCP
Mobilité internationale
The best international students can obtain € 10,000 scholarships for the academic year 2025-2026. Applications should be submitted before 5pm (CET) on Friday 17th January 2025 : see for more details.
Outgoing international mobility (for study, internships, field data collection, etc.) is encouraged and made possible thanks to the support of the Graduate School “Sustainability, Organisations and Institutions” of Université Paris Cité.
Dernière mise à jour le 18 décembre 2024
A lire aussi
L’année touche à sa fin et l’alliance européenne Circle U. dont fait partie l’université Paris Cité vous partage ses tous derniers cours en ligne. Profitez des fêtes de fin d’année pour vous inscrire à un de ces modules et enrichir vos connaissances et compétences ! Ces cours sont gratuits et ouverts à tous les étudiants de Paris Cité. Candidatez avant le 6 ou le 15 janvier 2025 en fonction du cours choisi !
C’est avec une immense fierté que nous saluons aujourd’hui les 11 lauréates et lauréats UPCité des Prix solennels de thèse de la Chancellerie des universités de Paris, figures emblématiques de la recherche scientifique et médicale.
Du vendredi 15 au dimanche 17 novembre 2024, l’université Paris Cité sera présente au Salon européen de l’éducation dédié à l’orientation des jeunes publics.
Dans le cadre de sa stratégie d’établissement, l’université Paris Cité coordonne plusieurs projets visant à accompagner la transformation interne de l’établissement et ses interactions avec le territoire. Parmi ces projets figure FIRE-UP (renForcer l’Interdisciplinarité et la Recherche d’Excellence pour la société à Université Paris Cité), un programme de transformation axé sur l’innovation interdisciplinaire et l’impact sociétal, dont le site web a été lancé le 31 octobre 2024.