Niveau d'étude
BAC +4
3 crédits
École d'ingénieur Denis Diderot
Période de l'année
Semestre 2
Mettre à la disposition des étudiants les fondements nécessaires d’Ingénierie Système et du Logiciel afin de les aider à s’approprier des techniques utilisées dans l’industrie.
Chapitres du support de cours
• Introduction: Definition and Issues in the System Engineering – How can Modeling Languages such as UML 2 and SysML help ?
• Gathering requirements and Transforming them into System Specifications
o Making business and system requirements traceable using the SysML requirement diagram
o Define the scope of the system composed of functions and use cases that invoke these functions
o Model the life cycle dynamics of the system that orchestrates transitions between its ‘states’ where ‘functions’ are triggered
o Prepare test cases using scenarios of use cases
o Case Study : Model the system scope and the usage of the system functions on the basis of requirements
• Transforming System Specifications into Design Level Components
o Model the Block Diagram and Refining it using the Internal Block Diagram
o Elaborate the Communication Architecture between Sub-Systems using Parts, Ports and Interfaces
o Elaborate the Internal Block Diagram while considering design level allocation choices
o Updating the design level structures based on ‘white box interactions’
• Other Useful Concepts, Diagrams and Extensions
• Summary (Conclusion)
Dernière mise à jour le 24 février 2025