3 crédits
Institut de psychologie
Volume horaire
Période de l'année
Semestre 2
This hands-on course is intended for students who need guidance when preparing and giving presentations as non-native speakers of English. The course combines three approaches: Getting organized
→Learn how to select and organize the content of an oral presentation, create powerful slides, deliver the presentation effectively, and answer questions usefully, Improving English skills
→Learn how to expand specific vocabulary, revise slides, improve the clarity, conciseness, and effectiveness of English, and enhance pace, elocution, and intonation, Improving public speaking skills
→Learn how to tell a story, explain scientific concepts to a less specialized audience, and handle stage fright and mishaps.
The tutorials offer students the opportunity to give presentations as well as give and receive productive peer and teacher feedback.
Practice makes perfect!
Heures d'enseignement
- Anglais : communication scientifiqueCours Magistral6h
Dernière mise à jour le 7 juin 2023