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Master Bioinformatique - Parcours : In Silico Drug Design : bioactive molecules international

Domaine : Sciences, Technologies, Santé
  • ECTS

    120 crédits

  • Niveau d'études visé

    BAC +5 (niveau 7)

  • Durée

    2 ans

  • Faculté

    Faculté des Sciences

  • Langue des enseignements

    Anglais, Français


The « In silico Drug Design-Design in silico of bioactive molecules, ISDD-Bioactive molecules» program is at the intersection of structural biochemistry, chemistry and in silico approaches. It responds to the needs of both the private and academic sectors to train professionals in the therapeutic innovation domain and for computational research of therapeutic molecules. This research domain is flourishing in Europe and in the world. This program is dedicated to bioactive molecule modeling and in silico pharmaceutical chemistry. It is built on specialties of different international universities and visiting professors and researchers. This program creates the possibility for earning a Franco-Italian double diploma: ISDD-Bioactive molecules and the Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Chimiche, from the Università degli Studi di Milano

Ce parcours forme les étudiants aux approches in silico, notamment à la chemoinformatique, à la bioinformatique structurale, à la modélisation des structures tri-dimensionnelles, à la modélisation computationnelle de leurs interactions avec les molécules médicaments, aux biostatistiques et à l’analyse de données, à la bioinformatique structurale et aux logiciels de docking et de criblage. Les trois premiers semestres se déroulent à l’université de Paris.

For further information :  http://isddteach.sdv.univ-paris-diderot.fr

This university program is in the Graduate Schools of Drug Development and Translational Bioinformatics at Université Paris Cité. It connects master's and doctoral courses with advanced research labs.

  • The Graduate School of Drug Development focuses on creating new drugs, covering all stages from design to clinical use. Read more >
  • The Graduate School Translational Bioinformatics teaches students advanced bioinformatics techniques for the evolving healthcare and personalized medicine challenges. Read more >
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This program trains professionals from the private and public sectors, both in France and in Europe, who are involved in research through in silico approaches in the field of therapeutic innovation and/or oriented towards the development of pharmacological molecules.

The ISDD program provides training in all tasks related to the « Drug Discovery» process using in silico approaches, from theoretical to applications (for example, virtual screening of therapeutic targets, drug safety…)

It offers to students training in chemical biology based on the fundamental principles of chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, pharmacology, molecular medicine, information technology, bioinformatics and biostatistics.

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Compétences visées

With this program, the students will acquire sufficient skills to process computational-aided drug design in drug discovery and/or drug safety. More precisely, the students will gain competence in programming, algorithmic, biostatistics, math, molecular modelling, cheminformatics, structural bioinformatics, data analysis, virtual screening, docking and molecular dynamic. There are many ‘’work-together’’ projects, training the students to work as a team in a multidisciplinary domain. They have the possibility to perform an internship abroad, providing an opportunity to them to integrate international research project and to develop their ability to adapt to different project management and cultures.

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The « In silico Drug Design-Design in silico of bioactive molecules, ISDD-Bioactive molecules» program, include a first semester in chemoinformatic at the university of Strasbourg, a second semester related to molecules bioactives at the university of degli studi di Milano. The semester 3 is on drug design and virtual screening at the university of Paris Diderot and the fourth semester is an internship on a research project in France or in a foreign country.

Many “team building” projects are proposed in the third semester.

At the end of the training, students are able to develop and apply diverse computational approaches for the identification of new hits molecules.

Numerous joint projects teach them to work in teams and to carry out their work in this multidisciplinary field.

The strong international orientation of this Master's degree allows students to develop their ability to adapt to different research systems and to integrate into international research projects.The multidisciplinary of the program is supported by universities of excellence at Paris Diderot, Strasbourg and Degli studi di Milano, and the involvement of national and international experts.

This program is made up of the following UEs:

Semester 1 (University of Strasbourg)

- Methodology (10 ECTS)

- Molecular Modeling (8 ECTS)

- Chemoinformatics (10 ECTS)

- Communication (2 ECTS)

Semester 2 (University Degli studi di Milano - Italy)

- Programming in C (6 ECTS)

- Structural Biology and enzymology (6 ECTS)

- Medicinal chemistry (6 ECTS)

- Simulation, Modelling and Biomolecules (6 ECTS)

- Bioactive molecules or equivalent module (6 ECTS)

Semester 3 (University of Paris)

- Data analysis in drug design (8 ECTS)

- Molecular analysis and dynamics & drug design (7 ECTS)

- High throughput screening : structure & ligand-based (5 ECTS)

- Molecular Space Analysis (4 ECTS)

- Preparation for Research in Drug Design (6 ECTS)

Semester 4

- Internship (30 ECTS)

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Sélectionnez un programme

Stages et projets tutorés

The last semester is an introductory research internship in academic and industrial laboratories in France or abroad.

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Contrôle des connaissances

Pour connaître le détail des modalités de contrôle des connaissances et compétences, nous vous invitons à prendre contact avec l’UFR (voir le lien en savoir+) 

The first year of the master must be validated before proceeding to the second year of the master. All the UEs of each year must be validated with a grade of at least 10/20 to obtain the ISDD Master's degree.

The modality of knowledge control is based essentially on a terminal examination for each EU but also on a set of continuous control, oral examination, project evaluation. The student has the opportunity to re-sit tests of non-acquired UEs in a second examination session..

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Tutored projects are proposed in the EUs within semester 3.

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Aménagements particuliers

Pour les étudiants en situation de handicap vous pouvez prendre contact avec le Pôle handicap étudiant - Plus d'informations ici.

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Public cible

This program is for students preferably with a background in chemistry or pharmacy or biologist with a strong interest in chemistry and informatic.

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Conditions d'admission

This master's degree program welcomes students from various initial training programs with a bachelor's degree (universities or engineering schools).

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A degree in chemistry, pharmacy, biomedical sciences (with an interest in computer science) or computer science (with knowledge of chemistry or biology) is a prerequisite. Since M1 and M2 are taught in English, a B2 level is required at the entrance of M2.

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Modalités de candidature

Recruitment is made on the basis of a file followed by an interview with the admissions committee in order to evaluate the adequacy of the student's training and to advise him/her on refresher courses and internship opportunities.

Retrouvez toutes les informations relatives aux modalités de candidature ici.

Des modalités de candidatures spécifiques peuvent s’appliquer au public de formation professionnelle. Plus d’informations ici.

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Droits de scolarité

Les droits d'inscription nationaux sont annuels et fixés par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur de la Recherche. S’y ajoutent les contributions obligatoires et facultatives selon la situation individuelle de l’étudiant.

Des frais de formation supplémentaires peuvent s’appliquer au public de formation professionnelle. Plus d’informations ici.

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Et après ?

  • 100%

    Taux de réussite (The outlets are for research and professional purposes, the orientation is made at the level of the choice of research internships in academic laboratories or private companies. 98% of the students are recruited within 2 years after their Master's degree, more than 60% within 2 months after the Master's defense.)

Poursuites d'études

There are many opportunities to pursue a PhD in France or abroad, but also opportunities for direct integration into a professional environment .


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Débouchés professionnels

There are many opportunities to pursue a PhD in France or abroad, but also opportunities for direct integration into a professional environment (pharmaceutical industry or EPST) after the Master's degree (or during the work-study program). It offers opportunities in pharmaceutical industries and "start-ups", national or international, private or academic research laboratories, or allows them to continue their studies by completing a French or international PhD. Students obtain positions as engineer, research assistant or manager directly after the M2 or as project manager, researcher, platform manager, after a thesis..

Researcher and project manager in structural bioinformatics, chemoinformatics, biostatistics, molecular modeling, in silico drug design, in chemical and pharmaceutical industries, in public or private drug design research and development laboratories, in pharmaceutical sectors, EPST such as CNRS, INSERM, INRA, CEA, hospitals.

Platform engineer in chemoinformatics, screening, structural bioinformatics, data analysis for the public service specialized

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Référentiel RNCP



Mobilité internationale

Mobilité en première année au semestre 2, à l’université de Strasbourg puis à l’université DEgli studi di Milano, Italie, + possibilité de stage de recherche à l’international en M2

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  • Anne-Claude Camproux

    Responsable de la mention
    • anne-claude.camproux @ u-paris.fr
  • Anne-Claude Camproux

    Co-responsable 1ère année
    • anne-claude.camproux @ u-paris.fr
  • Olivier Taboureau

    Co-responsable 1ère année
    • olivier.taboureau @ u-paris.fr
  • Anne-Claude Camproux

    Responsable de la 2ème année
    • anne-claude.camproux @ u-paris.fr
  • Traore Aisetou

    Gestionnaire de Scolarité
    • 01 57 27 82 30
    • aissetou.traore @ u-paris.fr
  • Reine Rigault

    Formation Continue
    • 01 57 27 82 34
    • reine.rigault @ u-paris.fr

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