2 ans
Faculté des Sciences
Langue des enseignements
The Health Engineering Master’s program (BME Paris) is designed to provide a two-year education in the field of bioengineering, at the intersection of biomedical sciences and engineering sciences. It results from a partnership between Université Paris Cité and Arts et Métiers .
The Master’s program is based on a distinctive partnership that fosters an interdisciplinary approach, encourages student initiatives and promotes a global perspective. This policy is supported by the top-level and complementary expertise and know-how of the two partners: engineering science in the engineering school within Arts et Métiers, on the one hand, and biomedical and health science at Université Paris Cité, on the other.
The teaching staff are primarily drawn from the partner institutions. Guest lecturers include hospital clinicians from APHP and researchers from other schools and academic institutions as well as from private companies (e.g. GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, Renault, Sanofi, Thalès, Materialise Medical, etc.).
Learning outcomes
The BME Paris Master offers an exemplary program of excellence designed for students from diverse backgrounds, including biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, medicine, pharmacy, health sciences and computer sciences. The primary objectives of the Master’s program are:
- to provide students with the knowledge and tools required in a wide range of the biomedical engineering fields
- to foster a fruitful collaborative spirit between engineering and medical students, with the ultimate goal of bridging the existing « culture gap » between the corresponding professions.
While the second year (M2) offers five specialization tracks, the first year (M1) is devoted to strengthening and broadening students’ skills in specific engineering and biomedical subjects. Students receive guidance on their selection of teaching units, ensuring they are current with essential science subjects that might not have been covered in their prior studies. For example, engineering students may focus on physiology and anatomy, whereas biology or medical students may focus into signal processing and mechanics.
In M1 (semesters 1 and 2), there is one single track, with individualized choices of courses according to students’ backgrounds and their choice of specialization for M2.
The M2 (semesters 3 and 4) offers five tracks:
It should be noted that the M2 is scheduled to open in September 2026.
Further details regarding this new track will be provided in due course here : https://www.bme-paris.com/innovation-in-digital-health-ehealth/
Le détail du programme de M1 et de M2 est accessible ici : https://www.bme-paris.com/program/
This curriculum is part of Université Paris Cité's Graduate School of BioMedical Engineering.
Stages et projets tutorés
Isabelle Guenerie
Gestionnaire de scolarité Pôle Master
Dernière mise à jour le 13 janvier 2025