Niveau d'études visé
BAC +5 (niveau 7)
2 ans
Faculté des Sciences
Langue des enseignements
The Health Engineering Master’s program (BME Paris) is designed to provide a two-year education in the field of bioengineering, at the intersection of biomedical sciences and engineering sciences. It results from a partnership between Université Paris Cité and Arts et Métiers .
The Master’s program is based on a distinctive partnership that fosters an interdisciplinary approach, encourages student initiatives and promotes a global perspective. This policy is supported by the top-level and complementary expertise and know-how of the two partners: engineering science in the engineering school within Arts et Métiers, on the one hand, and biomedical and health science at Université Paris Cité, on the other.
The teaching staff are primarily drawn from the partner institutions. Guest lecturers include hospital clinicians from APHP and researchers from other schools and academic institutions as well as from private companies (e.g. GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, Renault, Sanofi, Thalès, Materialise Medical, etc.).
Learning outcomes
The BME Paris Master offers an exemplary program of excellence designed for students from diverse backgrounds, including biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, medicine, pharmacy, health sciences and computer sciences. The primary objectives of the Master’s program are:
- to provide students with the knowledge and tools required in a wide range of the biomedical engineering fields
- to foster a fruitful collaborative spirit between engineering and medical students, with the ultimate goal of bridging the existing « culture gap » between the corresponding professions.
While the second year (M2) offers five specialization tracks, the first year (M1) is devoted to strengthening and broadening students’ skills in specific engineering and biomedical subjects. Students receive guidance on their selection of teaching units, ensuring they are current with essential science subjects that might not have been covered in their prior studies. For example, engineering students may focus on physiology and anatomy, whereas biology or medical students may focus into signal processing and mechanics.
In M1 (semesters 1 and 2), there is one single track, with individualized choices of courses according to students’ backgrounds and their choice of specialization for M2.
The M2 (semesters 3 and 4) offers five tracks:
Compétences visées
- Identifier et appliquer les connaissances et outils en lien avec les sciences fondamentales en ingénierie de la santé
- Apporter des solutions en termes d'amélioration continue de la performance de procédés, de produits et de services liés à la santé par la connaissance et la compréhension des champs scientifiques et techniques associés
- Collecter et interpréter des données en utilisant des méthodes et des outils adaptés afin d'identifier et résoudre des problèmes
- Utiliser les outils numériques en respect des règles de sécurité informatique
- Analyser et concevoir des systèmes complexes avec un esprit critique
- Maîtriser les processus et méthodes nécessaires à la conduite d'expérimentations
- Apprécier les enjeux économiques, le respect de la qualité, la compétitivité et la productivité, les exigences commerciales, l'intelligence économique
- Conduire un projet complexe dans le respect des systèmes qualité et en tenant compte des normes et de la législation en vigueur
- Prendre en compte les enjeux sociétaux et environnementaux
- Appliquer les réglementations nationales et internationales
- Identifier les usages numériques et les impacts de leur évolution sur le ou les domaines concernés par la mention
- Se servir de façon autonome des outils numériques avancés pour un ou plusieurs métiers ou secteurs de recherche du domaine
- Mobiliser des savoirs hautement spécialisés, dont certains sont à l’avant-garde du savoir dans un domaine de travail ou d’études, comme base d’une pensée originale
- Développer une conscience critique des savoirs dans un domaine et/ou à l’interface de plusieurs domaines
- Résoudre des problèmes pour développer de nouveaux savoirs et de nouvelles procédures et intégrer les savoirs de différents domaines
- Apporter des contributions novatrices dans le cadre d’échanges de haut niveau, et dans des contextes internationaux
- Conduire une analyse réflexive et distanciée prenant en compte les enjeux, les problématiques et la complexité d’une demande ou d’une situation afin de proposer des solutions adaptées et/ou innovantes en respect des évolutions de la réglementation
- Identifier, sélectionner et analyser avec esprit critique diverses ressources spécialisées pour documenter un sujet et synthétiser ces données en vue de leur exploitation
- Communiquer à des fins de formation ou de transfert de connaissances, par oral et par écrit, en français et dans au moins une langue étrangère
- Gérer des contextes professionnels ou d’études complexes, imprévisibles et qui nécessitent des approches stratégiques nouvelles
- Prendre des responsabilités pour contribuer aux savoirs et aux pratiques professionnelles et/ou pour réviser la performance stratégique d'une équipe
- Conduire un projet (conception, pilotage, coordination d’équipe, mise en œuvre et gestion, évaluation, diffusion) pouvant mobiliser des compétences pluridisciplinaires dans un cadre collaboratif
- Analyser ses actions en situation professionnelle, s’autoévaluer pour améliorer sa pratique dans le cadre d'une démarche qualité
- Respecter les principes d’éthique, de déontologie et de responsabilité environnementale
La formation se déroule en anglais, à temps plein.
Un stage de 2 à 4 mois obligatoire en Master 1 et un stage de 5 mois obligatoire en Master 2 dans un laboratoire de recherche académique, hospitalier ou industriel.
Le détail du programme de M1 et de M2 est accessible ici :
Sélectionnez un programme
Master Ingénierie de la santé - Parcours : Bio-imagerie / Bio-Imaging (BIM)
The Health Engineering Master’s program (BME Paris) is designed to provide a two-year education in the field of bioengineering, at the intersection of biomedical sciences and engineering sciences. It results from a partnership between Université Paris Cité and Arts et Métiers .
The Master’s program is based on a distinctive partnership that fosters an interdisciplinary approach, encourages student initiatives and promotes a global perspective. This policy is supported by the top-level and complementary expertise and know-how of the two partners: engineering science in the engineering school within Arts et Métiers, on the one hand, and biomedical and health science at Université Paris Cité, on the other.
The teaching staff are primarily drawn from the partner institutions. Guest lecturers include hospital clinicians from APHP and researchers from other schools and academic institutions as well as from private companies (e.g. GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, Renault, Sanofi, Thalès, Materialise Medical, etc.).
Learning outcomes
The BME Paris Master offers an exemplary program of excellence designed for students from diverse backgrounds, including biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, medicine, pharmacy, health sciences and computer sciences. The primary objectives of the Master’s program are:
- to provide students with the knowledge and tools required in a wide range of the biomedical engineering fields
- to foster a fruitful collaborative spirit between engineering and medical students, with the ultimate goal of bridging the existing « culture gap » between the corresponding professions.
While the second year (M2) offers five specialization tracks, the first year (M1) is devoted to strengthening and broadening students’ skills in specific engineering and biomedical subjects. Students receive guidance on their selection of teaching units, ensuring they are current with essential science subjects that might not have been covered in their prior studies. For example, engineering students may focus on physiology and anatomy, whereas biology or medical students may focus into signal processing and mechanics.
In M1 (semesters 1 and 2), there is one single track, with individualized choices of courses according to students’ backgrounds and their choice of specialization for M2.
The M2 (semesters 3 and 4) offers five tracks:
- NeuroTechnologies (NeuroTech)
- BioImaging (BIM)
- Innovation in Digital Health (eHealth)
- BioMechanics (BioMECH)
- Molecular and cellular biotherapies (MCB)
Bioimaging (BIM) is one of the 5 M2 proposed tracks.
Master Ingénierie de la santé - Parcours : Biomécanique / BioMechanics (BioMECH)
The Health Engineering Master’s program (BME Paris) is designed to provide a two-year education in the field of bioengineering, at the intersection of biomedical sciences and engineering sciences. It results from a partnership between Université Paris Cité and Arts et Métiers .
The Master’s program is based on a distinctive partnership that fosters an interdisciplinary approach, encourages student initiatives and promotes a global perspective. This policy is supported by the top-level and complementary expertise and know-how of the two partners: engineering science in the engineering school within Arts et Métiers, on the one hand, and biomedical and health science at Université Paris Cité, on the other.
The teaching staff are primarily drawn from the partner institutions. Guest lecturers include hospital clinicians from APHP and researchers from other schools and academic institutions as well as from private companies (e.g. GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, Renault, Sanofi, Thalès, Materialise Medical, etc.).
Learning outcomes
The BME Paris Master offers an exemplary program of excellence designed for students from diverse backgrounds, including biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, medicine, pharmacy, health sciences and computer sciences. The primary objectives of the Master’s program are:
- to provide students with the knowledge and tools required in a wide range of the biomedical engineering fields
- to foster a fruitful collaborative spirit between engineering and medical students, with the ultimate goal of bridging the existing « culture gap » between the corresponding professions.
While the second year (M2) offers five specialization tracks, the first year (M1) is devoted to strengthening and broadening students’ skills in specific engineering and biomedical subjects. Students receive guidance on their selection of teaching units, ensuring they are current with essential science subjects that might not have been covered in their prior studies. For example, engineering students may focus on physiology and anatomy, whereas biology or medical students may focus into signal processing and mechanics.
In M1 (semesters 1 and 2), there is one single track, with individualized choices of courses according to students’ backgrounds and their choice of specialization for M2.
The M2 (semesters 3 and 4) offers five tracks:
- NeuroTechnologies (NeuroTech)
- BioImaging (BIM)
- Innovation in Digital Health (eHealth)
- BioMechanics (BioMECH)
- Molecular and cellular biotherapies (MCB)
Biomechanics (BioMECH) is one of the 5 M2 proposed tracks.
Master Ingénierie de la santé - Parcours : Neurotechnologie / Neurotechnology (NeuroTech)
The Health Engineering Master’s program (BME Paris) is designed to provide a two-year education in the field of bioengineering, at the intersection of biomedical sciences and engineering sciences. It results from a partnership between Université Paris Cité and Arts et Métiers .
The Master’s program is based on a distinctive partnership that fosters an interdisciplinary approach, encourages student initiatives and promotes a global perspective. This policy is supported by the top-level and complementary expertise and know-how of the two partners: engineering science in the engineering school within Arts et Métiers, on the one hand, and biomedical and health science at Université Paris Cité, on the other.
The teaching staff are primarily drawn from the partner institutions. Guest lecturers include hospital clinicians from APHP and researchers from other schools and academic institutions as well as from private companies (e.g. GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, Renault, Sanofi, Thalès, Materialise Medical, etc.).
Learning outcomes
The BME Paris Master offers an exemplary program of excellence designed for students from diverse backgrounds, including biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, medicine, pharmacy, health sciences and computer sciences. The primary objectives of the Master’s program are:
- to provide students with the knowledge and tools required in a wide range of the biomedical engineering fields
- to foster a fruitful collaborative spirit between engineering and medical students, with the ultimate goal of bridging the existing « culture gap » between the corresponding professions.
While the second year (M2) offers five specialization tracks, the first year (M1) is devoted to strengthening and broadening students’ skills in specific engineering and biomedical subjects. Students receive guidance on their selection of teaching units, ensuring they are current with essential science subjects that might not have been covered in their prior studies. For example, engineering students may focus on physiology and anatomy, whereas biology or medical students may focus into signal processing and mechanics.
In M1 (semesters 1 and 2), there is one single track, with individualized choices of courses according to students’ backgrounds and their choice of specialization for M2.
The M2 (semesters 3 and 4) offers five tracks:
- NeuroTechnologies (NeuroTech)
- BioImaging (BIM)
- Innovation in Digital Health (eHealth)
- BioMechanics (BioMECH)
- Molecular and cellular biotherapies (MCB)
NeuroTechnologies is one of the 5 M2 proposed tracks.
Master Ingénierie de la santé - Parcours : Biothérapies moléculaires et cellulaires / Molecular and Cellular Biotherapies (MCB)
The Health Engineering Master’s program (BME Paris) is designed to provide a two-year education in the field of bioengineering, at the intersection of biomedical sciences and engineering sciences. It results from a partnership between Université Paris Cité and Arts et Métiers .
The Master’s program is based on a distinctive partnership that fosters an interdisciplinary approach, encourages student initiatives and promotes a global perspective. This policy is supported by the top-level and complementary expertise and know-how of the two partners: engineering science in the engineering school within Arts et Métiers, on the one hand, and biomedical and health science at Université Paris Cité, on the other.
The teaching staff are primarily drawn from the partner institutions. Guest lecturers include hospital clinicians from APHP and researchers from other schools and academic institutions as well as from private companies (e.g. GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, Renault, Sanofi, Thalès, Materialise Medical, etc.).
Learning outcomes
The BME Paris Master offers an exemplary program of excellence designed for students from diverse backgrounds, including biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, medicine, pharmacy, health sciences and computer sciences. The primary objectives of the Master’s program are:
- to provide students with the knowledge and tools required in a wide range of the biomedical engineering fields
- to foster a fruitful collaborative spirit between engineering and medical students, with the ultimate goal of bridging the existing « culture gap » between the corresponding professions.
While the second year (M2) offers five specialization tracks, the first year (M1) is devoted to strengthening and broadening students’ skills in specific engineering and biomedical subjects. Students receive guidance on their selection of teaching units, ensuring they are current with essential science subjects that might not have been covered in their prior studies. For example, engineering students may focus on physiology and anatomy, whereas biology or medical students may focus into signal processing and mechanics.
In M1 (semesters 1 and 2), there is one single track, with individualized choices of courses according to students’ backgrounds and their choice of specialization for M2.
The M2 (semesters 3 and 4) offers five tracks:
Master Ingénierie de la santé - Parcours : Innovation en santé numérique / Innovation in Digital Health (eHealth)
The Health Engineering Master’s program (BME Paris) is designed to provide a two-year education in the field of bioengineering, at the intersection of biomedical sciences and engineering sciences. It results from a partnership between Université Paris Cité and Arts et Métiers .
The Master’s program is based on a distinctive partnership that fosters an interdisciplinary approach, encourages student initiatives and promotes a global perspective. This policy is supported by the top-level and complementary expertise and know-how of the two partners: engineering science in the engineering school within Arts et Métiers, on the one hand, and biomedical and health science at Université Paris Cité, on the other.
The teaching staff are primarily drawn from the partner institutions. Guest lecturers include hospital clinicians from APHP and researchers from other schools and academic institutions as well as from private companies (e.g. GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, Renault, Sanofi, Thalès, Materialise Medical, etc.).
Learning outcomes
The BME Paris Master offers an exemplary program of excellence designed for students from diverse backgrounds, including biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, medicine, pharmacy, health sciences and computer sciences. The primary objectives of the Master’s program are:
- to provide students with the knowledge and tools required in a wide range of the biomedical engineering fields
- to foster a fruitful collaborative spirit between engineering and medical students, with the ultimate goal of bridging the existing « culture gap » between the corresponding professions.
While the second year (M2) offers five specialization tracks, the first year (M1) is devoted to strengthening and broadening students’ skills in specific engineering and biomedical subjects. Students receive guidance on their selection of teaching units, ensuring they are current with essential science subjects that might not have been covered in their prior studies. For example, engineering students may focus on physiology and anatomy, whereas biology or medical students may focus into signal processing and mechanics.
In M1 (semesters 1 and 2), there is one single track, with individualized choices of courses according to students’ backgrounds and their choice of specialization for M2.
The M2 (semesters 3 and 4) offers five tracks:
Conditions d'admission
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