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Master Sciences du médicament et des produits de santé - Parcours : Nanomedecine for drug delivery

Domaine : Sciences, Technologies, Santé
  • ECTS

    120 crédits

  • Niveau d'études visé

    BAC +5 (niveau 7)

  • Durée

    2 ans

  • Langue des enseignements



The EMJMD NANOMED “nanomedicine for drug delivery” (information and applications on our website: http://www.master-nanomed.eu/), directed by Prof. Karine Andrieux and Dr. Caroline Roques, is an English taught curriculum. The first semester is a joint programme with the Master 2 degree « Pharmaceutical Technology » .

This university program is in the Graduate Schools of Cardiovascular Sciences and Drug Development at Université Paris Cité. It connects master's and doctoral courses with advanced research labs.

  • The Graduate School of Cardiovascular Sciences provides diverse training in cardiovascular research. Read more >
  • The Graduate School of Drug Development is focused on creating new drugs, covering all stages from design to clinical use. Read more >
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The EMJMD NANOMED aims at educating young scientists towards general principles of drug development. More specifically, this curriculum focuses on drug delivery systems and pharmaceutical technology using both classical dosage forms and innovative delivery systems.


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Compétences visées

Enrolled students are beneficiating from both theoretical and practical courses. Various aspects of pharmaceutical technology related to vectorisation, diagnostic, delivery of innovative drugs (proteins and nucleic acids) but also distinctive features of cosmetic products are part of the curriculum.


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Students must validate theoretical and practical courses during semesters 1 and 3 (30 ECTS), theoretical and practical courses and 3-month traineeship during semester 2 (30 ECTS) and a traineeship of 6 months (30 ECTS) during semester 4.


First semester: From mid-September to end of January: in Paris University or Patras

Second semester form February to end of March, traineeship from April to June, summer school and workshop in July

Third semester from September to end of December

Semester 4: 6-month traineeship from January to June and final workshop in July


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Stages et projets tutorés

The 3-month-traineeship will be evaluated thanks a poster presentation during the workshop of year 1. A report and a defence of the 6-month traineeship will be presented in the workshop of the second year.

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Contrôle des connaissances

Students will be evaluated according to the following European grading system:

Average grade








Very Good


Quite Good


To pass a study unit/course, students must obtain at least an E mark. At the end of each semester, students will have to validate the 30 ECTS according to the modalities defined by the hosting member of the Consortium. The corrected tests will be open to consultation after addressing a formal request to the professor in charge; all kinds of exams (written, oral presentation, individual report etc.) will be stored for one year after the end of the intake at the member of the Consortium in which the exam took place.

In case of failure, a single re-sit examination will be organized; should the student fail again, he/she will have to quit the NANOMED EMJMD.

Following this traineeship, the students will write-up a report that will constitute his/her Master Thesis and that will be submitted to appropriate reviewers. This dissertation will then be presented viva voce during the workshop following the Summer School in front of an International jury.

For more details please see (en savoir+) 

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Aménagements particuliers

All information about the 4 European universities partners and our programme are available on the website.

All applications must be done directly on the website : http://www.master-nanomed.eu/.

For people with disabilities, please see here.

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Public cible

Tous les étudiants issus des filières scientifique ou santé

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Conditions d'admission

 A bachelor in Pharmaceutical technology, pharmacist, chemist, biologist(biotechnology) or equivalent is mandatory.

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The selection criteria are academic level, English proficiency, previous experience during internship (2 months min) in pharmaceutical technology and a clear professional project. Other mandatory documents are presented in the website: http://www.master-nanomed.eu/.


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Modalités de candidature

Application form and documents (1st step) directly on the website : http://www.master-nanomed.eu/ and interview in english (2nd step)



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Droits de scolarité

Please see all the fees for people in continuing education here.

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Et après ?

  • 95 à 100 %

    Taux de réussite (Le taux de réussite varie de 95 à 100 % selon les promotions)

Poursuites d'études

This programme is opening up career opportunities in drug delivery and cosmetics but also allowing students to pursue their research training by doing a PhD.

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Débouchés professionnels

This programme is opening up career opportunities in drug delivery and cosmetics but also allowing students to pursue their research training by doing a PhD.



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Référentiel RNCP



Mobilité internationale

This programme is a joint European programme : EMJMD Nanomed (information and applications on our website: http://www.master-nanomed.eu/). European and Non-European applicants can beneficiate of grants by applying to this Nanomed master in 2 years.


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Poursuites d'études à l'étranger

PhD opportunities.


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  • Karine Andrieux

    Responsable du diplôme
    • Caroline Roques

      Co-responsable du diplôme
      • Contact administratif
        • 01 53 73 95 40
        • scol.m1sp.pharma @ u-paris.fr
      • Contact administratif
        • nanomed.iro @ u-paris.fr

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