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Organizational Culture in Public and Private Institutions

  • ECTS

    3 crédits

  • Composante

    UFR Études Interculturelles de Langues Appliquées

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  • Période de l'année

    Semestre 3


What is culture? How can it be defined? What does culture bring to the individual and to society? What culture(s) can be supported and financed in an era of profound social, political, economic and technological upheavals? The objective of the course “Organizational Culture in Public and Private Institutions” (in English) is to reflect on the evolution of cultural policies in France and Europe and make students aware of the responsibilities related to cultural management.

The course entails intensive work and participation as it links theory to practical experience. Students will be required to explore specific institutions with research literature for the purpose of discussion and debate, then apply concepts and theories to real interactions, which will form the basis of their written assignments.

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Compétences visées :
To understand the practices and customs of public and private institutions in the cultural sector in France and Europe 
To understand the economic, political and societal challenges of culture in the creation of projects 

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Heures d'enseignement

  • Organizational Culture in Public and Private InstitutionsCours Magistral18h

Pré-requis nécessaires

Ability to define and formulate a problem, to undertake a critical analysis 
Ability to set up a project in its multidisciplinary dimension (political, social, economic etc.) 

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Students are advised to consult 
- the documents on the website of the French Ministry of Culture : 
- the ressources on the websites of the EU National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC/https://www.eunicglobal.eu/) and the Cultural Diplomacy Platform 
Students are strongly encouraged to visit the website of the Forum des Instituts Culturels Etrangers à Paris (FICEP/ https://www.ficep.info/ ). They should register to receive its newsletters so as to attend as many cultural events as possible. 

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